The NFT scene today was crazy
The NFT scene today was crazy, Superlative Secret Society (SSS) being one of NFT projects that succeeded sold by minutes in total 11,111 NFT as collectible on Septembre 22, 2021. As project collectible NFT, SSS have road map that need to be unlocked as promised, one of those road map is to produce limited and exclusive merchandise.
In realizing this, SSS created Superlative Secret Studio as a new division that was specifically assigned to focus on producing exclusive merchandise. With the existence of Superlative Secret Studio, SSS is trying to escalate the existence of merchandise from a collectible NFT project so that it doesn't just exist, but builds the image of a premium clothing line brand with international standards.
Superlative Secret Studio was formed by people with a passion in the fashion industry. GoddamnNFT (SSS Community Manager) is the person who leads Superlative Secret Studio. With all the resources it has, Superlative Secret Studio strives to build SSS merchandise more than the expectations of NFT enthusiasts in general because the vision of Superlative Secret Studio is to bring SSS merchandise to the next level. So that the merchandise that will be presented will have a quality that competes with fashion brands and streetwear.
Superlative Secret Studio's mission to chase its dream is to keep every product that shipped to buyers is always the good one, the main concern of Superlative Secret Studio is on the quality of the supply to be produced. So far, Superlative Secret Studio has curated everything from raw materials to tailors that have contributed to our products in order to maintain the quality of the Superlative brand itself.
In the future, the team from Superlative Secret Studio sees that the brand will become a clothing line that will coexist and collaborate with international fashion brands, do a fashion show and even maybe open our store around the world. Superlative Secret Studio will focus on presenting merchandise that is worked on in depth and seriously as a fashion brand, not just merchandise for an NFT collectible project in general.